A rare buying opportunity is currently available with Lease Returns in the USA. In the past few years many contractors have elected to take advantage of the attractive leasing options offered by manufacturers and dealers all over the Country. As leases reach their end large volumes of machinery are coming available each month in the USA.
Inherently these lease return machines are Tier IV-interim and prices are depressed across all makes and models, presenting overseas buyers with an excellent opportunity to “De-Tier” these machines and the glut in the USA market. In my opinion the best-case scenario is exportation of such units to overseas markets needing good quality machinery at reduced pricing.
It is clear some customers are taking advantage as we have seen examples of contractors from Mexico, Central and South America obtaining machines through various sources, “de-tiering” and putting them to use alongside other machines acquired through dealer channels.
We are interested in hearing about your experience, that of fellow contractors in your Country and interest in this relatively easy process. Let’s begin the discussion!