3-2-1…Lift-off for “Mister Maquinaria”

As a “Space Race Brat” born to Parents who lived in Brevard County, Florida & were employed in the Space Industry fresh out of high school (late-1950’s), those insightful parental tech nerds made it my business to engage and leverage technology from an early age (see photo at Pad 39A and Apollo 11, I’m in red). In hindsight, the habitual application of technology has been a fruitful gift.
While Technology, the Digital Age & Social Media have changed most aspects of life as we know it, the construction equipment industry is a prime example of “old habits dying hard”, when secondary markets and participant behavior are considered. The current landscape is painted with auction houses, dealer-to-dealer networks, antiquated websites, poor marketing platforms and even locals attempting to DIY on Craigslist – as with the “late adopters” of the Space Race, the current state of our equipment industry demonstrates collectively we are some of the last to understand it and use it to it’s full potential.
The fact is, most equipment owners/users are not equipped to manage the marketing and sale of their used iron – they wisely invest their time in estimating, bidding, winning and executing projects, as it should be: but something is missing. At the end of the efficient life of machinery it is common to accept low trade values, sell machines to intermediaries and auctions: all paying/netting typically 65-80 cents on the retail dollar. The lack of in-house staff and supporting network charged with creating increased net worth for machinery assets affects competitiveness for contractors and other owners/end-users.
Mister Maquinaria has now “gone live” with our website and set to leverage the power of our global database for email marketing, extensive use of digital and social media platforms & iPhones that have more computer power than Apollo 11 when it launched in July 1969.
Contact us at your convenience to discuss your specific needs – let’s launch a partnership to increase returns on your equipment!